Which Content Management System (CMS) to use and not to use? Content Management System (CMS) such a mass big market and so many Big and small companies in the field. We have a Industry full of WordPress, Joomla , Drupal and you name it , my guess which is going to be wrong there are more than a million CMS in the market. Said Norh Akias Dev Manager at best web design agency Miami.

Which Content Management System (cms) To Use And Not To Use?

It is good to see that market have requirement for this and over the last decade, Websites are no longer consider to be a brochure only, they are informative and solving some purpose and making life easier for the Business. Still everyone have a different requirement, someone just need a small website where they can show some businesses for sale, and someone may have a small site to sell toys, shopping carts are provided at the rate of 10 or 110 in the market , but integrating them with your website causes another level of complexity.

The Big Companies which are using CMS, I came across a big radio station which was using CMs and they are paying a massive amount of 20k every month to keep it running. What a waste of money… but still this CMS does more then you will ever need. I think that radio station can afford it and a top shelf product does get sold too. But BIG Dogs and Big Bones are less than 0.02% of the market. If I decide creating something of that level, It will take more than couple of years and I may never be able to sell it.

Now let?s come towards the 60% of the market which uses websites and CMS as open source, free CMS. Get a designer and they will fit any thing in these sort of CMS and if you wish to have a Brochure website with a little bit of access to edit things, you will be very happy. Company happy cause Website didn?t cost that much, Designer happy cause he never have to run after the programmers to create something.

I have always been not very big fan of open source, i love the idea of sharing the information, and the code snippets etc. but every time I have opened something open source, I have struggled. It is opening a website which is code done by someone else, and now you have to make sense out of it, Open source Software tend to use a lot of things in a way that a normal guy will start scratching his head, some genius guys are able to understand the open source and start providing the services. But end of the day when you edit open source you already created a loop hole in it. There will be a stage when this cannot be done will be said and Customer will get so upset that i have spend so much money and so much time on it, now i have to start from the beginning.

Also Pickup up any opens source software and type hacking next to it in Google, you will find a ready script, you are sitting on such a thin ice where you can lose so much in no time. Some of the open source sites are good with SEO, and some of them are  of design freedom and development freedom puts me off.

Now a basic website may use Shopping cart, bunch of Dynamic pages, a download page, events, guestbook, image gallery, jobs and carrier, link exchange, news, news letter, photo and text section, Staff, Testimonials and a video gallery.

I think other that this if anyone needs anything that should be a custom build system.

Netvision software, Gold Coast provides this CMS with all the section mentioned above in the CMS included.


  1. Freedom of adding unlimited pages.
  2. Maintaining SEO Title, Keywords and Description for each page.
  3. Throughout the site search.
  4. Creation of Google Sitemap on click of the button for this CMS.
  5. Sitemap includes, Shopping Card Category page.
  6. Ready Shopping cart for Paypal, Direct debit and Credit Card.
  7. Gives 100% freedom of design, Every CMS Implementation requires a Fresh Site designed

COST is so effective that you may pay your designed to implement joomla for that. It is worth every single penny.