Key Benefits Of Having A Digital Marketing Career

By now you probably know that digital marketing skills are in high demand and gap for skills is expected to continue. The job market continues to grow and more and more brands are looking at digital marketing. This means more pay, larger budgets, and more career choices when it comes to those who pursue digital marketing as a career.

Are you thinking about changing your careers? If so, then consider what a few of the main benefits of digital marketing are. With that said, some of the top tips include:

1. Become In-Demand

There is a major skills gap within the digital marketing industry. By 2020, around 149,000 digital jobs are predicted including Marketing Managers, but there’s likely not going to be enough people to fill them. This means studying digital marketing will give you a competitive advantage, and you’ll enjoy working in an industry where you’re in high demand.
Mondo predicts that this year alone that the demand for digital marketing professionals will increase by nearly forty percent. Now is the time to start your career. However, make sure you learn about what the most in-demand skills are in the digital marketing sector.

2. More Choices

Dublin is home to some of the most well-known digital giants such as Twitter, Google, and LinkedIn, which means you have plenty of choices. Almost every single week new digital jobs are announced for national brands and multinationals. Even SMEs are quite common.

For example, the budget airliner Ryanair created over 150 digital jobs, and many of them fell within digital marketing. Taoiseach Enda Kenny announced hundreds of digital jobs across various digital marketing roles, such as social media. Even more so, LinkedIn is expected to increase its work staff to 1,200, and Microsoft is planning on bringing aboard over 100 digital graduates.

The bottom line is you’ll have many opportunities as a digital marketer. You can be as picky as you want when it comes to the company you want to work for. You will be surprised at how many choices you have.

3. Get Paid More The Your Fellow Workers

By now, you know digital marketing professionals are in high demand, but you might not know that this means you’ll be paid more. Since there is a skills shortage, you can consider yourself as being a rarity and this means you can negotiate your salary in accordance with you being rare. Do not be afraid to ask to get paid what you’re worth.

Prosperity released a survey that revealed that digital salaries are increasing at a faster rate than it has over the last five years. Furthermore, the pace of growth is expected to increase. In Dublin, the average pay for a digital marketing manager is EUR68,000 per year, and entry-level positions, such as PPC professional, have increased to EUR28,000 over the last year.

4. Jump-start Your Career

With traditional careers, you typically have to become a graduate or an intern and then gain experience while creating a portfolio. With digital marketing, there is an array of opportunities for you to jump-start your own career, and this is well before you even get into a workplace. This is a very good thing.,

You should build your own list of followers on social media and become a powerhouse on sites like Facebook and Twitter because this will help you standout to potential employers. There are a lot of things you can do, such as take and pass the Google Analytics exam and the Inbound Certification exam from HubSpot. These things will make your CV look better and will show off how knowledgeable you are about digital marketing.

Are you interested in launching your career in digital marketing and do you want to reap the benefits of being a digital marketer? Of course, you do. With that said, feel free to research digital careers and start studying and working hard. Before you know it, you’ll enjoy a lasting career in the digital marketing industry.