Making Your Customers The Focus Of Your Business

The dream of every business owner, whether in the product or services sector, is to make sakes. Making sales means getting customers to patronise the business. Nothing speaks better for a business owner than having customers who patronise repeatedly as it is a clear indication that you are doing something right.

Different things could make a client patronise you, ranging from the product type to the type of advertising means, to the referral and many other similar factors. Getting a client to patronise your business once is not exactly a big deal, however, getting that client to come back and patronise you second and third and many more times is a big deal and requires deliberate steps to be taken. This is considered as the extent of the customer’s loyalty to the business.

What does it matter?

Customers are the bedrock of a business and the power they yield in determining the growth of that business is not one to be undermined. This is especially true in recent times where we have sites like which provides customers with a platform on which they can air their honest reviews on the business in question. These reviews, depending on whether positive or negative, can either spur more people to patronise your business or make them avoid the business.

Repeat customers are cheaper than new customers. With new customers, more is spent on different advertising channels. You might even be required to give out sample products or free services which are not factored in with the cost of production. All of these are not necessary with old customers since they are already familiar with the products or services in question.

These old customers also tend to spend more than new ones. Unlike the new customers, who might be a bit sceptical about spending on a product that has not been tried and tested, old customers already know what they are getting and will spare no thought at spending. This is especially more common with online appliance electronic stores.

How to earn your customer’s loyalty?

Building your customer’s trust in your business and brand requires strategic planning and execution. Below are some of the steps you can consider taking to achieving this;

Engage your customers and allow them to engage you

Humans tend to feel safer with who they are familiar with. Allow them to connect personally with the brand. You can do this by creating a brand community where you get to interact with them and with each other. Listen to their feedback, let them know you are working on them and work on them. Communicate.

Create a customer loyalty program

This will serve as an incentive for them to keep patronising you. Create reward systems for customers that keep coming back and they will come back. This could be in the forms of discounts, promos, bonuses and the likes. The point is to appreciate them for patronising you and make them feel good while at it.

Customer’s loyalty is a very important part of a business. As such, when building your business you should also look for ways to focus on your customers, beyond creating your product or service.