What are needed to Creating a Good Website?

In digital world, a website is mandatory. If you don’t have a website, it is the time for making a website because without website, you can lose your digital business. And in creating a good website, you need to know what are needed to create a good website. If you don’t know what you need for website, here some tips on creating a good website:

1. Attractive layout design

Your website is your first look in the digital world. The first thing that will be seen by website visitors is layout of your website. Try looking at websites that have same products of yours so you will get idea for your website’s layout. A good layout can make your customers become regular visitors to your website. A little confused about an attractive website layout? You can check examples of website layouts.

2. Having appropriate content

Content is the main thing in the digital marketing world. Without content, every marketing strategy will fail, including your website. Make sure your content is interesting and informative for your website visitors so that your products can be well understood by your customers.

3. Your content must be short and informative

Your website visitors will not want to read very long posts. They need something concise, informative and not time-consuming. Use short and informative content so your customers can get information faster and easier. Eliminate information that is unimportant or too long. You just need to create articles that are directly to the core that they need to know.

4. Use visual content

You need using images for your content. Image can help website visitors easier to understand your content or products. By using images, you also can support the value of your content. Visual content is very popular nowadays because it can easily attract attention.

5. Make navigation easier

According to Small Business Trends website, 94% of consumers say a website have to be easy to navigate so make sure you create a website that has good navigation. How? You must pay attention to navigation menu so visitors can easily find all pages in your website especially your product pages. If visitors can’t easily find the page they need, it will decrease user-experience. The worst thing is they just can leave your website quicker which will increase bouncing rate in Google Analytics report.

6. Provide communication lines for your visitors

You need to make a way that visitors can use to contact you. You can create a website that provides contact information of your website. Other ways that can be used:

  • Creating a contact form which visitors can submit their questions.
  • Including your social media buttons so visitors can ask thought social media or just follow your social media account.
  • Using live chat feature

7. Make sure your website works well

There is nothing else that can disappoint visitors more than some links of website that cannot be accessed. Make sure you check all links of your website before launching. And please check it regularly to make sure your website can function properly so you will not lose visitors.

8. Make your website responsive

One of the mistakes in creating website is unresponsive website for mobile phones. Millions of people today use their mobile phone or other gadgets to open websites. That means you need to have a website that can be accessed easily and responsive. You can try to check your website is mobile responsive or not by using Google Mobile-Friendly Checker.

So, those are 8 things that you need to make a good website. If you don’t have a website division in your company, you can try website design services. They can help you design and build a website that suits your needs. There are many website design services that you can find online. For you that stay on Gold Coast, you can try one of Website Design Gold Coast services which is My Robot Monkey.