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Are you worried about your website design? You still want to improve your web design? If your answer is yes, check out these simple steps from Novage website design company and improve your web design on immediate basis.

1. Flashy Pages (Unwanted Distractions)

Creating stylish splash pages do nothing, but they create barriers and stop users in the tracks and also force them to make an un-important decision of whether to leave your website forever or to push forward to home page. These web introductions are just like short flash based movies that simply showcase flash design skill set of designers, yet offer web users nothing else, but distraction.

These flash animations are very common these days and it is impossible to impress web users with such flashy pages. The main goal of every web design must be to deliver web users what they want as well as to let them perform an action. You are advised to avoid flashy pages because they slow down this process.

2. Banner Advertisements (Less Is More)

Whenever it comes to strategic placement of the banner advertising, the quote ‘less is more’ should be applied to web design. One successful banner-ads-examples-from-tech-industry/”>banner advertising is more valuable and profitable as compared to a whole bunch of banner advertisements.

If it is harder to secure one banner advertisement space, then it will surely become more appealing to the advertisers. Try to fill space with the help of useful content. You can also surround the banner advertisements with a lot of useful content because it can make the space more appealing to potential advertisers.

3. Coding (Never Copy & Paste)

Most amateur website designers simply copy and paste the code from different websites and then compile their site like its Frankenstein. However, if an error occurs, they do not know how to fix it because they did not write the code. In such a situation, web designers waste more time in working out what every piece of code does. The web users ultimately suffer during this time because they sit through error after error.

Writing code from the scratch can cost more and may cause longer in the initial development stages. However, it will save more time in the long run and you can fix the errors on immediate basis. Errors must be avoided without looking at the cost.

You are advised to always run double checks before seeking professionals to do your web design, and check what code they are actually writing. Never allow designers to copy codes from external websites. Need to follow W3C to make the coding more professional.

4. Consistency (Way to Success)

All websites should remain consistent to make sure the web users know exactly where they are and where to look all the time. It applies to all things from simple navigation links to location of help menus. Your goal must be to ensure that web users are familiar with all aspects of the website, even from the colors that are used in design to the overall layout.

Some designers are forced by management to experiment different color schemes, it does nothing but confuse users by causing disorientation.

You are advised to consider all the above mentioned steps to have the best web design.